Homage to the Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice

Machu Picchu

for June 21, 2014

A pilgrimage story and pictures…

Lakeland Musings: Our Moorland Solstice, Part 1 – A Reluctant Sun

Early morning glimpses of a rising sun, breaking through cloud and mist. In old Celtic seasons, Saturday last would have marked the beginning of the ‘Little Sun’, as the days shrink back but ever forward to the Winter Solstice.


The Summer Solstice is time to pause, to give thanks, to relish our beautiful world and its wonders… perhaps that is the best lesson we can take from sites such as those in the photos shown at Lakeland Musings, and world-wonder places such as Stonehenge or Machu Picchu.


Machu Picchu: photo by Martin St-Amant

Stonehenge: photo by Gareth Wiscombe