New Mobile Editor

Old-school to cutting-edge

This is a simple testing post, since I’ve opted to try the new beta version. I don’t think I have posted from my phone before, being the old-school girl that I am. 😇

Mushrooms growing on remnants of elm tree bark We lost our remaining elm trees to a new round of  Dutch elm disease this year. Yellow mushrooms quickly attached themselves to the remnants of bark.

See riotthill’s photos for several more photos.

Back on Track

Hey, back on track with a new entry — a short story — and introducing Warren Riley, a new author to To quote…

The simplest and most natural of human reactions can be the cause of a disaster beyond the imagination. This story is a case in point. A simple unconscious reflex. An involuntary motion. The deadliest of mixtures.

Hope you’ll take some time to read Warren’s first of many stories, Disappearance by Default.

Tree Climbing

Barred Owl
Barred Owl perched on an elm tree, early winter. I took this from my front porch, October, 2008.

As I read my daily feeds, I was attracted to the bio of an author. She lives in a forest and loves it; she farms; there was something about children and cats. Then she confessed she has yet to adopt a goat.

Yes, I thought, that’s me, right down to the lack of goat–adoption. But, I have climbed trees and looked down upon the world in the same way birds do…

(She said nothing about tree climbing in her bio, so perhaps we are not so alike…)

…a great poplar that straddled our properties, our neighbours’ and ours’. I was not allowed to climb the poplar tree: ‘too little, too girl, too dangerous‘; but I climbed the tree in spite, perhaps to spite, all the too’s I had encountered in my young life.

And the view, the perspective: when you climb trees, you understand why birds sing.